Myths about drinking alcohol

These can be impaired for several hours after you stop drinking. This is why it is never safe to drive after you have been drinking, no matter how many cups of coffee you have. At this point, you may have alcohol cravings or drink to avoid the low feelings withdrawal causes rather than for the pleasurable feelings alcohol consumption may offer. Over time, your brain’s structure and function change, leading to tolerance, meaning you may require higher amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effects.

Alcohol is a stimulant drug.

Also, not many people realize that it can be extremely dangerous to take acetaminophen while having even just a few drinks, according to American Addictions Centers. That, in turn, can lead to negative consequences such as getting too drunk or having a terrible hangover the next day. As long as you’re drinking them at the same speed, a bottle of beer will give you the same 5 myths about alcohol buzz as a shot of liquor. Cultural norms would have you believe that drinking is integral to certain activities, like a wedding reception, football game, brunch or night out on the town. It’s important to be aware that alcohol doesn’t have to be a part of those things, Dr. Oesterle says. However, there’s limited research showing the efficacy of this form of treatment.

5 myths about alcohol

Myth: A person with strong willpower is less likely to develop alcohol use disorder

Common Cancer Myths and Misconceptions – NCI – National Cancer Institute (.gov)

Common Cancer Myths and Misconceptions – NCI.

Posted: Thu, 09 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

But there are many misguided beliefs about alcohol and alcohol use, some of which can interfere with you or someone you love recognizing the warnings signs of alcohol misuse and seeking help. By learning the facts about alcohol use, you can be better prepared to drink responsibly. When you find the right tools and support for you, it’s possible to recover from alcohol use disorder. For ways to seek support, you can visit Psych Central’s guide to mental health help. A 2019 study of alcohol use in England found that people in professional managerial jobs had more occasions to drink than manual workers, casual workers, and unemployed people. Homeownership was also a strong predictor of alcohol consumption, according to the study.

Health Professionals

5 myths about alcohol

Grace explains that alcohol does have some medicinal properties, but they aren’t great enough to outweigh the harms of drinking. She elaborates that there are much better alternatives that can provide the same benefits without the risks. For example, drinking juice that’s rich in antioxidants will likely give you the same benefits as drinking wine. The person who can drink large quantities of alcohol without feeling the “normal” effects may have developed a tolerance to alcohol. Tolerance comes from chronic use of alcohol that results in physical and mental adaptation to its presence in the body. The development of tolerance is shown by an increase in the amount of alcohol required to produce the desired effects and can indicate the onset of physical dependence.

You may hear a lot of tales around how to make drinking “easier” or “healthier,” but in reality, there aren’t any shortcuts or magic tricks out there. That’s why it’s best to consume alcohol safely and in moderation — without buying into any myths. This is because while it may feel like you’re taking the edge off your hangover and nausea by downing more drinks, doing this will only prolong your recovery process.

5 myths about alcohol

  • This myth is based on the idea that kids will drink anyway, so they might as well be in the presence of a responsible adult.
  • We’ve strongly linked alcohol to pleasure, as though we can’t truly celebrate an anniversary without champagne, watch a sporting event without a beer, or enjoy a nice dinner without wine.
  • In people assigned male at birth, alcohol consumption can decrease testosterone production and sperm quality.

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